Painting at the Show

Painting at the Show

Here's a striking photo by Marty Clemens of me in contemplative action at the CICK rock show the other night.  He's a talented photographer based out of Smithers, BC.

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Art Rock!

Art Rock!

Here's the painting I made from the first note of the first band, to the last of the last band on Friday night at the CICK rock show, featuring Blocktreat, Shearing Pinx, Other Jesus and some other guests. 3' x 3'. It was so much fun! It's being auctioned to support...

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Rock Show Painting

Rock Show Painting

I will be joining the experimental/ punk bands Other Jesus, Shearing Pinx and Softess to paint during their tour stop here in Smithers on Friday night! Sure to be noisy! Sure to be a blast! Sure to be interesting! Come check us out if you're around!  

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