Vole’s role serves to explore and provide commentary on many subtle and overt aspects of our fragmented and stratified history and society, since Vole generally finds itself an under-respected outcast. So, a vole becomes creative in encountering the simple joys, discoveries and struggles of life. It is no wonder that the arts appreciate Vole, and Vole appreciates the arts. All too often, we amount to the same thing.
Rath creates the images in an 8”x8” format, framed at 13”x13” dimensions. Each image is paired with its corresponding verse, framed separately at the same dimensions (approx. 13″x27″ per pairing).
Swarming Voles
vole vole vole vole vole vole vole vole Vole vole vole vole vole vole vole vole vole Vole vole vole Vole vole vole vole vole vole vole VOLE volevolevolevolevolevolevolevole AGH! | Mixed media | 8″ x 8″ | 2007
Constant Vole
The woods have no voice but the voice of complaining but Vole holds fast. | Mixed media | 8″ x 8″ | 2008
Winter Vole
Winter kept Vole warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. | Mixed media | 8″ x 8″ | 2008
Stoic Vole
Vole does not fondle the weakness inside though it is there. | Mixed media | 8″ x 8″ | 2008
One had a cats face, One whisked a tail, One tramped at a rat’s pace, One crawled like a snail, One was Vole. | Mixed media | 8″ x 8″ | 2009
Vole in Shadow
Cloaked in spreading mystery, a half light in the half life of Vole’s thoughts. | Mixed media | 8″ x 8″ | 2009
Vole’s Nightmare
Vole kneels in the nights Before tigers That will not let Vole be. | Mixed media | 8″ x 8″ | 2014
Vole Genius
Vole invites the viewer to contemplate the evanescense of life. | Mixed media | 8″ x 8″ | 2014