Well, I’m getting to the final stages of making sure things are ready for my art show in two weeks. Here are some recent photos of some of the last bits of studio work that I’m preparing. I have lot’s of work from various series already done, as this show of mine, entitled “Many Lives” will provide a sampling of work from series over the past six years. The themes and content vary widely, and the show could be almost seen as a group show, since the artwork looks so different together. I will be showing my abstracted landscape map paintings, and other sculptures and watercolour sketches investigating human’s relationship to Nature. Other series include portraits of LGBTQ+ youth; portraits of young Indigenous cultural activists; illustrations for a literary project centred on a Vole character; and other selections. I’ll post more later. For now, I’ll be installing on Sunday Oct.22, and it will open to the public on Tues. Oct.24, with the Opening Reception happening on Friday Oct.27 from 7-9pm. So, if you are local in the Bulkley Valley, come check it out!

Looks like an amazing show, Perry, that will showcase your multi-faceted talent. Would love to attend!
Yes, wish you could make it!